A Reflection from General Convention

The Supreme Court released it’s ruling on same sex marriage this morning. I was in a committee meeting at the time and a member interrupted the business to make the announcement. I understand the announcement interrupted most of the committees. At The General Convention, I can often feel rather isolated from the world. I don’t watch TV or read the paper. Occasionally I will check online but with the 14 hour schedule each day, there is little time. But this morning shows that news still gets through to us.

I ran into Lynette Rhodes Williams at lunch today. She reminded me that on Sunday at the ECW luncheon her late mother, Frances Rhodes, would be honored as Woman of the Year in NWPA. Frances was so very active in St. Francis, Youngsville, and in the Diocese. She and I often drove together to various events and, since we both enjoyed talking, we solved all the problems of the world during those trips. Now if only the world (or church) would listen to us. Frances was a dear friend and richly deserving of this honor.

Music at Eucharist this morning was provided by a jazz ensemble which had us dancing and clapping during the prelude (Click on this link to see a video of the jazz performance: http://ow.ly/OS9P3). The chaplain for the House of Deputies has used song, drums and video during his meditations and prayers which has had us all singing, clapping and laughing. Worshipping with a few thousand fellow Episcopalians is always uplifting.

There is still so much work to get through. The committees and the two houses are organized and working hard to perfect resolutions and set the course of the church for the next three years. Tomorrow the House of Bishops will elect a new Presiding Bishop as they gather in St. Mark’s Cathedral. They will then wait there until the House of Deputies confirms (or not) their selection.

Much still to do. We will be in Convention until July third. Of your mercy, please pray for us.

The Rev. Canon Brian Reid, Deputy from The Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania

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